Biomagnetism, Bioenergetics & MicrobioEnergetics Seminars in the USA 2107-2018

In San Francisco, California

1st Level Biomagnetism November 12-16, 2017 w/ Moises Goiz

2nd Level Bioenergetics November  18-21, 2017 w/ Moises Goiz

In Miami Beach, Florida

1st Level Biomagnetism  June 18-22, 2018 w/ Moises Goiz

Biomagnetic Neuropsychology  June 25-27, 2018 w/ Moises Goiz

2nd Level Bioenergetics June 29- July 2, 2018 w/ Moises Goiz

MicrobioEnergetics, "The Emotion, Energy and Simbolic Code of Microbes" , June 11-15, 2018 w/ Dr. Miguel Ojeda Rios MD. 

All Seminars will be held in the San Francisco Area, California, USA

Biomagnetism Seminars

For more information about upcoming Biomagnetism classes, seminars and trainings please send an email to:

For pictures, testimonials and videos from our past Biomagnetism Seminars in the USA,
please go to: Past Biomagnetism USA Seminars

At the 260 International Biomagnetism Seminar November 9-14, 2015

                                At the 73 International Bioenergetics Seminar December 9-11, 2015

During our  Seminar with Dr Isaac Goiz Duran and Dra Esther del Rio, 1st level Biomagnetism October 17-22, 2012 and 2nd Level Bioenergetics  October 23-25, 2012.

Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán MD, with Helena Guerrero, organizer for the 188 International Medical Biomagnetism Seminar that took place May 13-18, 2013 in San Francisco, California, USA